Andreja Kovac

Theatre director, passionate about puppetry and animation. I believe robots are puppets too.
3rd edition of Bridges Festival starting soon

Bridges Festival is once again bringing a selection of exciting events for children in the GTA. This annual international festival of puppetry and animation happens at several locations across Mississauga including theatres, art galleries, museums and retail storefronts.
Convocation OPA’s AGM 2021-2022

For the first time for two years, we are going to hold a hybrid event hosted by Crane Creations Theatre Company, in Mississauga, broadcast in direct by Zoom.
Jean-François St-Arnault

Actor and puppeteer with an atypical background, Jean-François St-Arnault is graduated from Université du Québec à Montréal, in acting. He founded the Petit Théâtre International in Trois-Rivières, which he directed from 1999 to 2008. After living touring with various companies in Montreal and Mexico City, he moved to the Greater Toronto Area in 2014 to introduce Franco-Ontarian youth to theatre and puppetry. Since 2018, he has been pursuing graduate translation studies at Glendon College, York University.